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市场 轮廓

姓名: 市场
国家: 捷克共和国
重量: 52公斤
高度: 170厘米
出生: March, 1982
职业: 学生、模特


Intelligent and Athletic

Marketa 是一位 100% 的专业人士,她在巴黎拍摄的系列充满趣味、性感和令人惊叹的情色。 MARKETA 在樱桃季节来到 Hegre.com,这位来自布拉格的身材匀称、皮肤如丝般柔滑的蛇蝎美人用樱桃做的事会在我们的记忆中挥之不去,每次我们把一颗放进嘴里时,都会让这种郁郁葱葱的夏季水果尝起来更甜。 Marketa 是一位来自新时代的新女性,她被赋予了权力,掌握着自己的命运。拥有希腊女神对称完美的五官,她的眼神几乎令人不安,仿佛马尔凯塔比人类更神圣。它是一种完美到几乎是人造的美,并在潜意识中触动我们,提醒我们遗传。 捷克和乌克兰的美女以你从未见过的方式混合搅拌:爆炸性的,他说,就像莫洛托夫鸡尾酒!

Marketa is a 100% professional and the collections captured of her in Paris are playful, sensual and stunningly erotic.

MARKETA CAME to Hegre.com during the cherry season and this shapely, silky skinned femme fatale from Prague did things with cherries that will linger on the memory and make this lush summer fruit taste sweeter every time we slip one into our mouth.

Marketa is a new woman from new times, empowered, in charge of her own destiny. With the symmetrically perfect features of a Greek goddess, the look in her eye is almost unnerving, as if Marketa is more divine than human. It is a beauty so perfect as to be almost artificial and touches us subliminally as a reminder of our genetic inheritance.

Czech and Ukrainian beauty mixed and stirred like you have never seen before: as explosive, he said, as a Molotov cocktail!

秘密花园中的市场 January 30th, 2005


beautiful woman
Marketa in secret garden
THAT must be the 'Garden of Eden'. Eve could not have been more tempting, apple or no apple.
面纱中的市场 January 20th, 2005


Marketa in veil
我很惊讶我可能是第一个评论这个画廊的人。这个网站上有一些模特,Amandine、Caro、Hanna、Marketa、Mirta、Linda L、Caro、Yanna、Jennipher、Naomi...,对她们来说,羞耻似乎不是她们框架的一部分。但是,亲爱的先生,这次拍摄非常精彩,因为它仍然给了 Marketa 同时隐藏和展示的机会;与其他更直接的画廊相比,还有更多的东西可以通过。摄影师和模特在概念上很漂亮,制作精美。那个男人和那个女人干得好。恕我直言,Luba、Angelica、Anna S 和其他许多人应该再看一遍,睁开眼睛。曾经有一个表达,“把它给我!” Marketa 可以把它送给我或你,但永远不要碰我们,反之亦然。但是为了*她*的乐趣,我们已经被利用了。如果他们为这种事情颁发奥运奖牌,Marketa 将获得每位评委满分 10 分的金牌。
I am surprised that I may be the first to comment on this gallery. There are a handful of models on this site, Amandine, Caro, Hanna, Marketa, Mirta, Linda L, Caro, Yanna, Jennipher, Naomi..., for whom shame appears not to be part of their framework. But this shoot, dear sir, is brilliant in that it still gives Marketa the opportunity to hide and show at the same time; and something still more comes through than in the other, more direct, galleries. Conceptually beautiful, and executed, by both photographer and model, exquisitely. Well done that man, and that woman. Luba, Angelica, Anna S, and so many others, should look again, and open their eyes, IMHO. There used to be an expression, "sock it to me!" Marketa can sock it to me, or you, and never touch us, or vice versa. But we have been used, for *her* pleasure. If they gave Olympic medals for this kind of thing, Marketa would get the gold with a perfect 10 from every judge.
Marketa抽铁 January 11th, 2005


Great movie, need more models doing stuff like this
Great Movie
It is a great movie!!!
Workout Incentive
78 岁时,每周一、周三和周五都很难去健身房,但有了这样的激励,我肯定能活到 80 岁。谢谢
At 78, it was getting tough to show up at the gym every Mon,Wed & Fri, but with an incentive like this, I'll make it to 80 for sure. Thanks
Motivation galore!
Marketa 让我想从沙发上起来锻炼。事实上,她让我想起来,不止一种方式!哇!!!
Marketa makes me want to get up off the couch and workout. In fact she makes me want to just get up, in more ways than one! Wow!!!
Marketa pumping iron- great movie!!!!
我认识 Marketa 很久了,我必须告诉你,她非常火辣!这部电影很棒。 Marketa 是很棒的宝贝!我想像她的教练一样去那里!她让我发疯:-)
I know Marketa for a long time and I must tell you that she is HOT HOT and HOT!! This film is amazing. Marketa is wonderful babe! I want to be there like her trainer! She drive me crazy :-)
Amazing film Petter!!! Your best I think!!
Einfach sehr schön
Ich finde es sehr schön, wenn sich ein nacktes Mädchen in einem Fitnesscenter bewegt. Man kann in diesem Film die Reize der Frau aus verschiedenen Blickwinkel geniessen.
Hmmmm.., Mistress Marketa
一个美丽的金发宝贝!这部电影中的特写镜头让你疯狂!!就像您在那里一样……非常感性和非常个性化!请 Petter 让这个宝贝越来越出汗!她是您网站上我最喜欢的金发女郎,在这里拍摄了一部很棒的真正轻松的电影。漂亮的模特,好听的音乐,好剪辑! 5+我会说。更多 Marketa 想要!!!谢谢..
A Beautiful Blonde Babe! The close ups in this film makes you go wiiiild!! It's just like if you are there.. very sensual and very personal! Please Petter make this babe sweat more and more! She is my favorite blond on your site and here captured in a great genuine relaxed movie. Gorgeous model, Good music, Great editing! 5+ i would say. More Marketa Wanted!!! Thanks..
Hey guys, isn't she beautiful???
是的是的市场!彼得,我同意 JRA。我们想要更多这种美丽......这部电影真的很特别,而 Marketa 真的很特别。我一生中从未见过这样的美丽!
Yes yes Marketa!!!! Petter I agree with JRA. We want more of this beauty...This movie is really special, and Marketa is really especial model. I never see such beauty in my life before!
Its great!
I love it!!
Best. Video. Ever.
Best model ever. More,please.
Marketa is so HOT
哇!!!真漂亮。 Petter 我知道你认为 Luba 是最美丽的女人,而且她很漂亮。但是 Marketa 正在吸烟!我从未见过比这更漂亮的模特。如果有一个完美的 10,那么她就是。我从几位不同的摄影师那里找到了 Marketa 的照片,但你的是最好的。这部电影是我见过的最热门的东西。我爱上了这个女人。继续努力。
Wow!!! What a beauty. Petter I know you think Luba is the most beautiful woman, and she is beautiful. But Marketa is smokin!! I have never seen a more beautiful model. If there ever was a perfect 10 then she is it. I have found pictures of Marketa from a few different photographers but yours are the best. And this film is the hottest thing I have ever seen. I am in love with this woman. Keep up the great work.
Sweet Marketa
我喜欢这个视频的原因,除了对这个绝对美丽的年轻女性的明显渴望之外,还看到了 Marketa 的个性闪耀。我意识到她是一位有抱负的专业人士,因此试图呈现某种形象。但她小小的微笑、动作和反应,以及她摆弄镜头的方式都很棒。如果能在现实生活中认识这位年轻女士,我会很高兴,我很羡慕 Petter 有机会与这些女士分享这些微笑。向 Petter 致敬……向 Marketa 致敬。
What I love about this video, beyond the obvious lusting for this absolutely beautiful young woman, is seeing Marketa's personality shine through. I realize that she is an aspiring professional and as such tries to present a certain image. But her little smiles and motions and reactions and how she plays with the camera is awesome. It would be great to know this young woman in real life and I envy Petter for his chance to share these smiles with these ladies. Salute, Petter...and salute to Marketa.
Perfect body
Marketa 抬腿时从背后拍摄的特写镜头?你为什么还在读*这个*?
Close-up shots from behind Marketa while she does leg lifts? Why are you still reading *this*??
absolutely perfect
She is gorgeous and the film is very sexy
more full view shots
great vid wish i could have seen more full body views of her standing and facing camera; why do you do the close ups of her top half when she is standing?? you are wasting great things by not expanding your view loved the Luba pool full body shots walking along the pool - please do more like this
Marketa true angel
我想,我看到了互联网上最美丽的女人,直到我遇到了 Marketa。非常漂亮,非常聪明(法律系学生),非常好,一个完美的女孩!
I thought, I had seen the most beautiful woman on the Internet until I came across Marketa. Very beautiful, very intelligent (law-student), very nice, a perfect girl!!
eres una belleza, de mujer
hacia muchos que no veia una mujer tan hermosa, como tú, a pesar de mis muchos años de correrias por este dichoso mundo y por muy increible que parezca, me estoy enamorando de tí.
the best movie ever
嗨,这部电影,音乐和 Marketa 在一起是如此感性,以至于我无法考虑我必须做的事情和我的工作。我只想到这部超级电影和这个超级女孩。很高兴接受 Marketa 的采访。她很可爱。她的笑容令人惊叹,她的身体很完美。我喜欢她微笑的时候,那是那么自然。她有我一生中见过的最美丽的面孔之一。更多这个请..
Hi this movie, music and Marketa together is so sensual thing, that I can not to think about what I must to do and about my work. I only think about this super movie and this super girl. It would be great to make some interview with Marketa. She is very sweet. Her smile is amazing, and her body is perfect.. I love when she smile, it is so natural..She has one of the most beautiful face I have seen in my life. More of this please..
Yeah Marketa is the most beautiful girl!!
Petter 你有这么大的天赋!!我不明白 Elfie 的评论,我认为它写了一些嫉妒的模型,嫉妒 Marketa 的成功。她是最美丽的女孩。我敢肯定,这部电影很棒!这部电影完美无暇!我真的很喜欢这部电影中的特写镜头。 Marketa 拥有非常美丽和完美的身体,所以 Petter 做了很多特写镜头是可以理解的。哇,请更多。
Petter you have so big talent!!I dont understand Elfie review, I think it wrote some jealous model, which jealous to Marketa's success. She is the most beautiful girl. And I am sure, this movie is great!! This movie is immaculate!! And I really like the close ups which are in this movie. Marketa has really beautiful and perfect body, so it is comprehensible that Petter did many close ups.. Wow more please.
Absolutely great-Marketa pumping iron
嗨,我和这个漂亮的宝贝一起上大学,她真的很可爱。她是非常好的模特和非常好的学生。我爱她。 :-) 我看到了很多模型,但我认为 Marketa 是第一模型。
Hi, I study university with this beautiful babe and she is really lovely person. She is very good model and very good student. I love her. :-) I saw a lot of models, but Marketa is in my opinion model number one.
Marketa rises above the rest
谢谢彼得,很棒的电影。然而,无论 Marketa 做什么,它都很棒。我很想看到彼得用 Marketa 的黑色尼龙布景制作一部电影。
Thank you Peter, great movie. However, whatever Marketa does is terrific. I'd love to see Peter make a movie out of Marketa's black nylon set.
是的,Marketa 很漂亮,很高兴看到她锻炼身体。我宁愿看到她以更大的重量和/或更多的重复锻炼。事实上,这部电影让人觉得她只是在锻炼身体。我也很奇怪你对她的描述是“完全不受约束”,因为她经常因为被拍到这样做而感到尴尬。我并不是要批评,因为我们都有心理弱点——但至少对我来说,她的尴尬分散了我们对电影的注意力。但是尽管有这些缺点,我认为基本的想法还是很好的。
Yes, Marketa is beautiful, and it is great to see her working out. I would have preferred to see her working out with greater weight and/or more repetitions. As it is, the movie makes it seem like she's just playing at working out. I also wonder at your description of her as "totally uninhibited", because she frequently seems embarrassed at being filmed doing this. I don't mean to be critical, since we all have our psychological vulnerabilities -- but for me, at least, her embarrassment distracts from the film. But despite these drawbacks, I think the basic idea is very good.
Marketa Pumping Iron
在这部电影中观看 Marketa 就像我自己进行了一次非常愉快的锻炼!
Watching Marketa in this film is like having a very pleasant workout myself!!
沙滩上的市场 January 2nd, 2005


Sand in the crack!
趴在沙滩上 Marketa
Get down in the sand Marketa
比基尼市场 December 25th, 2004


Shot on Christmas Day. I want you for my Christmas present. I want to slowly unwrap you!
Marketa in Bikini
真是个宝贝!多么挑逗! !
what a babe ! what a tease ! !
I really think this is the best pictorial. Not because of the model, but the fact she has a complete outfit on. The Models can be fully clothed, and I think they are just as beautiful as unclothed. I would really like to see more with complete outfits. This is a really good example of what a complete photoshoot is. Thanks for a job well done.