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又是一年中的那个时候。幽灵和地精从坟墓中升起,顽皮的孩子在街上奔跑,黑猫在监视你的一举一动。 好吧,也许不是每只黑猫。 Petter Hegre 碰巧发现了一只性感的猫科动物,它不惧怕走出月光,走进工作室,做一场感性的万圣节脱衣舞表演,以纪念一年中最恐怖的假期。 Amandine 在巴黎市拍摄,白天是该市最受欢迎的脱衣舞娘之一,晚上是一个更火辣的黑女巫,肯定会让所有看着她的人着迷。 可能是万圣节,但是当我们的成员问这个问题时,不给糖就捣蛋吗?我们绝对更愿意分发零食!
Its that time of the year again. Ghosts and goblins are rising from the grave, mischievous children running the streets, and black cats are watching your every move.
Well, maybe not every black cat. Petter Hegre happened to find one sexy feline who wasnt afraid to step out of the moonlight and into the studio to do a sensual Halloween strip tease to mark the spookiest holiday of the year. Filmed in the city of Paris, Amandine is one of the citys most popular strippers by day and an even hotter black witch by night sure to put a spell on all those who look at her.
It may be Halloween, but when our members ask the question trick or treat? we definitely prefer to hand out the treats!
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