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闷热的拉丁裔伊莎贝拉在这部炙手可热的新电影中回归,并提醒我们所有人她到底是多么的女人! 异国情调的伊莎贝拉 (Isabella) 有一双深邃而锐利的眼睛,直达你灵魂的深处。所以请坐下来欣赏她温柔而坚定地抚摸她女性曲线的表演。而热情的伊莎贝拉似乎在这私密而亲密的时刻迷失了自我,完全忘记了相机的存在…… 缓慢,性感和感性。这是其中一部会让您屏息的电影!
Sultry Latino Isabella returns in this smouldering hot new film and reminds us all of just how much of a woman she really is!
Exotic and erotic Isabella has those dark piercing eyes that reach to the very core of your soul. So sit back and enjoy the show as she gently but firmly caresses her feminine curves. And it seems that passionate Isabella loses her self in this private and intimate moment, completely forgetting that the camera is there…
Slow, sexy and sensual. This is one of those films that will take your breath away!
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