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Larisa 尝起来像糖杏仁,像蜂蜜,像成熟的无花果,像所有甜美的、禁忌的、东方的、神秘的东西。 拉丽莎最喜欢的莫过于脱掉衣服,躺在魔毯上,用水管抽烟。看着她的眼睛越来越大,嘴唇越来越性感,慢慢地越来越高,最后飘走了。 纯粹的狂喜在拉里萨的电影处女作中得到了独家捕捉。
Larisa tastes like sugar almonds, like honey, like ripe figs, like all things sweet, forbidden, Oriental, mysterious.
Larisa loves nothing more than taking her clothes off, lying back as she is here on a magic carpet and sucking smoke through a water pipe. Watch her eyes grow bigger, her lips more sensuous as she slowly gets higher and higher and finally floats away.
Pure ecstasy captured exclusively in Larisa's film début.
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