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今年最受欢迎的地点之一无疑是我们前往印度尼西亚巴厘岛乌布的异国情调之旅。 这是一张罕见的室内照片,可以看到与俄罗斯顶级模特娜塔莉亚 A 在野外拍摄的亲密照片。金发碧眼,超凡脱俗,魅力四射,她在无尽的伊甸园中充当我们完美的夏娃。 这也是在现场见到摄影大师 PETTER HEGRE 的绝佳机会。而且周围的环境几乎没有吸引力......
One of the most popular locations this year was beyond doubt our trip to the exotic surroundings of Ubud on the island of Bali in Indonesia.
HERE’S A RARE inside look at an intimate photoshoot with Russian top model Natalia A in the wild. Blonde, otherworldly and seductive, she serves as our perfect Eve in an endless Garden of Eden.
This is also a great opportunity to see master photographer PETTER HEGRE at work on location. And the surroundings could hardly be more attractive...
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