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Hegre.com の会員料金
1 日あたり $0.21 未満です!
ヘグレは、神秘的な亜大陸が問題を解決するのを助けるためにできる限りのことをしており、この映画は展示品の 1 つです。ヌナという名前のインドの女の子とセレナという名前のアメリカ人の女の子が屋外の神社に一緒に座っています。一緒に、彼らは絶対的な神聖な美しさのタントラのイニシエーションに従事します.とても親密で、とても強烈です。
Tantra is the soul of India. It gave birth to the Kama Sutra, it is central to the yogic ambition, and it gives the continent its long history of brave sensual innovation. Yet the India of today is far too burdened by sexual repression and human abuse.
Hegre is doing all it can to help the mystic subcontinent correct the problem, and this film is exhibit one. An Indian girl – named Nuna - and an American girl – named Serena - sit together in an outdoor shrine. Together, they engage in a tantric initiation of absolute divine beauty. So intimate, so intense.
Ironically, the American is the expert, and the Indian the novice. And while there’s undeniable magic between them, it’s about two thirds of the way through - when the cucumber enters - that things reach an almost super-natural level. The love-making this fresh organic instrument empowers will leave you gasping. But it’s ok. Just breathe. It is the way of tantra.