
I think, therefore I orgasm.

by Fabi June 04 | 2012

I think, therefore I orgasm.

I feel that there are so many misconceptions about orgasms and their different types that it would be a good idea to discuss them. We can do this here in my blog.

The kind of thing that I have in mind is sharing tips and ideas about energetic orgasms and how to amplify sensations. We can look at ways to increase excitement or to slow it down to prolong enjoyment with deep, conscious, rhythmic breathing.

These are just a few ideas for starters. Let me know your thoughts and questions, your personal tips. They will be very welcome. I could learn something too. It’s my favourite theme for chat. It will enhance my own sexuality and so bring about more pleasure in every aspect of life.

Don't be shy. Have you a tip for ejaculation control that you can share, or a secret about how to understand a woman? How do you breathe when you are having an orgasm - have you noticed? I would love to know.

Love is God

With tender hugs
Fabi Jaya

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Ejaculation que je n'arrive pas à controler
Despite my internship last year with Zana who showed me how to breathe. When the pleasure rises I no longer think about applying the breathing method, I fix myself on giving pleasure to my partner.
Malgré mon stage l'an dernier avec Zana qui m'a montré la façon de respirer.Quand monte le plaisir je ne pense plus à appliquer la méthode de respiration.Je me fixe à donner du plaisir à ma partenaire.

A Weekful of Love and Sexercises

by Fabi May 21 | 2012

A Weekful of Love and Sexercises

I just can't stop thinking about all the interesting people I have been meeting at the Temple. There have been so many ecstatic states, so much sexual energy and so much love and bliss. It has shown me all over again how the power of sexuality brings transformations in everyday life, including intense orgasms.

That is why I really love my life and my sessions in the Temple! I could feel the difference before and after in each person. Their sparking eyes revealed the happiness of the real individual inside. You could almost touch that happiness, it was so strongly there. A better love life makes all of life better.

I feel every day that with Tantra skills I can share my knowledge and love to make this world a better place. I know that during this last week couples and singles went home and spread love and confidence where they live. They had learned the secret of living in the experience of each moment!

With my new programmes and a selection of new massages I have a marvellous array of things that it is possible to do. I can respond to a whole world of diverse sexuality and personal needs. Every touch is unique and so different from every other.

Thank you to everybody I touched and shared with. I will never forget all the different feelings we enjoyed. And thank you for the trust I received from each one of you!
I’d like us all to meet up again - I would love to see those changes!

Love is God.

With tender hugs
Fabi Jaya

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deviendrai-ja homosexuel ?
When my wife gives me the Tantric Massage and she lingers on my anus I have a strong desire to make me penetrate. What I dare not ask her to do it. Is this normal ??? How does a prostate massage work?
Quand ma femme me fait le Massage tantric et qu'elle s'attarde sur mon anus j'ai une forte envie de me faire pénétrer.Ce que je n'ose pas lui demandé de le faire.Est ce normal ??? Un massage prostatique ce pratique comment ??

Blessings to everyone

by Fabi May 10 | 2012

Blessings to everyone

It’s Fabi here. First of all I want to thank every one of you for your comments on my videos and for what you have posted on my Facebook page. I am very proud of what you say and I am so glad that you like what I have done. I have an especially big “Thank you and welcome” to those of you who will be coming to my Temple near Barcelona.

There was so much positive energy and such lovely intimacy in what you had to say. I will never forget it.

I have plenty of big surprises coming up. The Hegre.com team and myself have been working on the new Tantra web site. You are going to love it! I’ve got all kinds of things to tell you about new Tantra massages, different ways of sensual touching and lots of spicy extras. Just for now it’s all a secret but soon you will see everything. Keep checking back.

I'm so excited with all of this. All kinds of ideas keep bubbling up all the time. I’m longing to get going. I want to join my energy with yours to awaken your sexual energy and life. I love life here in my Temple. I just want to spend all my time here in its peace. The scents and perfumes are so delightful as well. It will be such a pleasure to share knowledge, pleasure and bliss with as many of you as possible. I'm here waiting for you!

Love is my God

Fabi Jaya

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FABI; without betraying a secret can you tell me. Is a Goddess, (who massages and gives a lot of pleasure to the receiver) is excited and has inner pleasure? If so it must be a suplice for the Goddess some times?
FABI; sans trahir un secret pouvez-vous me dire. Est-ce qu'une Déesse,( qui masse et qui donne beaucoup de plaisirs aux receveur ) est exitée et a du plaisir intérieur?Si oui ça doit étre un suplice pour la Déesse certaine fois ?

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