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HEGRE 的第 973 部电影是自今年 2 月初战争爆发以来我们在乌克兰拍摄的第一部电影。 现在,正值盛夏,我们觉得是时候带您一睹乌克兰壮丽而非凡的大自然的力量了。以出色的模特 MILA A 为您的私人向导。 在此向最伟大的国家、勇敢的人民和神奇的土地致敬。乌克兰的荣耀!荣耀归于英雄!
HEGRE’s 973rd movie is our first film from Ukraine since the war broke out in February earlier this year.
NOW, IN THE HEIGHT OF SUMMER, we felt it was time to bring you a glimpse of the power of the majestic and remarkable Ukrainian nature. With wonderful model MILA A as your personal guide.
Here’s a special tribute to the greatest of nations, its brave people and marvellous land. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the heroes!
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