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这个女孩是独一无二的。克莱奥有一种自然的、近乎小精灵的样子。就好像她是大自然的女儿,出生在森林里,野生动物是她的兄弟姐妹。 刚开始她的时尚界模特生涯,这是她第一次对着镜头拍全裸。她是一位热情的舞者,作为芭蕾舞演员训练和表演了五年。 她认为作为一名舞者的一部分就是将你的快乐和幸福带给观众。它是关于激起人们的情感,不是通过文字或图片,而是通过身体的优美动作。 她是一个有冒险精神的女孩。世界对克莱奥来说是一个迷人的地方,她有一长串她尚未访问过的国家。在旅行期间,她喜欢了解不同文化如何通过舞蹈表达自己。 请注意,克莱奥是如此美丽,有着如此迷人的个性,你可能会为她倾倒。
This girl is unique. Cleo has a natural, almost elfish look. It’s like she’s a daughter of Mother Nature, born in the forest with wild animals as her siblings.
Just beginning her modelling career in the fashion industry, this is her first time posing nude for the camera. She’s a passionate dancer, having trained and performed as a ballet dancer for five years.
She believes part of being a dancer is giving your joy and happiness to an audience. It is about stirring emotions in people, not through words or pictures, but simply through the beautiful movement of the body.
And she’s a girl with an adventurous streak. The world is a fascinating place to Cleo and she has a long list of countries she has yet to visit. While she’s travelling she loves to learn about how different cultures express themselves through dance.
Just be warned, Cleo is so beautiful, with such a captivating personality, you might just fall head over heels for her.
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