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这个娇小而女性化的女孩的一些东西会让你彻底缴械...... 这可能是她柔软、噘起的嘴唇。也许是她棕色的大眼睛,或者是她浪漫的天性。不过,更有可能的是,这是她的空手道蓝带!她喜欢跆拳道、恍惚音乐、鲜花和日落,并将她的舞蹈风格称为“塑料”。我们不确定那是什么,但它一定很性感。 虽然她学的是商科,但她讨厌它,认为它很无聊。凭借她孩子气的身材和适合时尚界的面孔,她在巴黎的时装秀上可能会很棒...... 幸运的是,她太矮了 15 厘米,反而把她的衣服丢给我们!
Something about this petite and feminine girl will completely disarm you...
It might be her soft, pouty lips. Maybe it’s her big brown eyes, or her romantic nature. More likely though, it’s her blue belt in Karate! She loves kick-boxing, trance music, flowers and sunsets, and calls her dance style “plastic.” We’re not sure what that is but it must be sexy to watch.
Although she studies business, she hates it and thinks it’s boring. With her boyish body and a face made for the world of fashion, she might’ve been great on the catwalks of Paris...
Lucky for you she’s 15cm too short and drops her clothes for us, instead!
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