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莱拉在伦敦学习世界历史,并计划在获得资格后成为一名教师。 她靠做模特赚取额外收入,而她甜美的英国魅力也存在危险,即时尚界不断寻找新面孔可能会夺走历史系的导师。当她的一位朋友建议她将她的作品集发送到 Hegre.com 时,莱拉第一次出现在欧洲大陆。 虽然她喜欢大城市的生活节奏和 24/7 的活动,但 Leila 在乡下长大,周末和假期都会回去。收获是她最喜欢的季节,一切都成熟、完全成熟和幸福,是我们英国美人的完美比喻。历史还是建模?莱拉耸了耸她漂亮的肩膀。 她想在做出任何永久性决定之前获得学位,与此同时,她正在享受两者。
Leila studies world history in London and plans to be a teacher when she qualifies.
SHE PAYS her way earning extra money as a model and there is a danger with her sweet English charms that the history faculties may be robbed of a tutor by the fashion world's incessant search for new faces. Leila was first seen on the Continent when she was advised by one of her friends to send her portfolio to Hegre.com.
Although she enjoys life in the big city with its constant pace and 24/7 action, Leila was raised in the country and goes back for long weekends and holidays. The harvest is her favorite season, everything ripe, fully grown and blessed, the perfect metaphor for our English beauty. History or Modeling? Leila shrugs her fine shoulders.
She wants to get her degree before she comes to any permanent decision and, in the meantime, she's enjoying both.
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