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Ama 来自阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯,但由于糟糕的经济形势,她已经搬迁,现在正在墨西哥城以外的地方做模特。 外表可能具有欺骗性,尽管 Ama 有乳头、舌头和纹身成瘾,但她是一个害羞而安静的女孩。她在墨西哥与 Petter Hegre 的第一次合影标志着她第一次拍摄裸体照片。 Ama 性格随和、随和。她是一个非常自然的女孩,心情好,态度积极。她温柔的性格延伸到对动物的热爱。为了放纵她性感的一面,Ama 喜欢在炎热的天气里穿轻便的夏装,不穿内衣。她神秘地告诉我们她喜欢角色扮演…… 甜美温柔却又带着一丝神秘,Ama 是那种待在身边总是让人愉悦的女孩。
Ama hails from the Argentinean capital Buenos Aires but due to the bad economic situation she has relocated and is now modeling out of Mexico City.
Appearances can be deceptive and despite her pierced nipple, pierced tongue and addiction to tattoos Ama is a shy and quiet kind of girl. Her first photo sessions in Mexico with Petter Hegre marked her first time ever posing nude.
Ama has an easy going and relaxed personality. She is a very natural girl with a good mood and positive attitude. Her gentle personality extends to a great love of animals. Indulging her sexier side, Ama loves to wear light summer dresses and no underwear on hot days. And mysteriously she tells us she likes role-playing…
Sweet and gentle but with a hint of mystery, Ama is the kind of girl who is always a pleasure to be around.
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