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天真无邪的女孩不仅是精美的拍摄对象,她们还充分体现了生命的全部意义。 青少年时期可能是痛苦的,也可能是幸福的。过去,女孩们感到被传统和禁忌所束缚,这些传统和禁忌在新裸体时代正在消失,并创造了前所未有的自由。 从这个意义上说,达丽娜丰满丰盈的乳房、一头浓密的黑发和一双深邃的深色眼睛象征着迎接新时代自由的喜悦,承认她无法抑制的身体属性是与相机分享的礼物。没有片刻的自我意识,在她的第一次裸体会议中,她懒洋洋地脱下衣服,像一头吃饱的母狮一样,在真皮沙发上伸了个懒腰,没有摆姿势,只是做她自己。 从沙发到按摩浴缸的漩涡,Darina 找到了自己的职业。
Girls at the age of innocence are not only exquisite subjects to photograph, they embody all the promise of life in its fullest meaning.
THE TEENAGE years can be traumatic or blissful. In the past, girls have felt hemmed in by traditions and taboos that are fading in the age of the New Nude and creating freedoms that have never existed before.
In that sense, Darina with her full, lush breasts, great swath of dark hair and dark probing eyes personifies the joy of meeting the freedoms of the new age in acknowledging her irrepressible physical attributes as a gift to be shared with the camera. Without a moment's self-consciousness, in her first nude session she lazily shed her clothes and, like a well-fed she lion, stretched out on the leather sofa, not posing, just being herself.
From the sofa to the swirling whirl of the Jacuzzi, Darina had found her vocation.
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