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如果您听到我们说 Hana 疯了,请放心,我们是真心实意的。 HANA 具有顽皮的精神,喜欢在镜头前像单口相声一样表演。有一张连金凯瑞都嫉妒的橡胶脸,和她一起拍照时很难专心工作。然而,最终这正是她魅力的一部分,也是人们总是回头再来的原因。 哈娜在歌舞表演中担任舞者,并完美地完成了一系列令人震惊和奇妙的动作。很容易看出她喜欢炫耀自己的特点,包括修长的身体、棕褐色的皮肤和既性感又幽默的微笑。 Hana 是戏弄和调情领域的真正艺术家,她很快就会告诉你她受够了男朋友。 毕竟,这样的女孩,天生就是自由的!
If you ever hear us call Hana crazy, rest assured we mean it with the utmost affection.
HANA HAS a playful spirit and loves to act out and perform like a stand up comic in front of the camera. With a rubber face that would make even Jim Carrey jealous it can be quite difficult to stay on task when doing a photo shoot with her. In the end however that is part of her charm, and the reason people always come back for more.
Hana works as a dancer in a cabaret show and has perfected quite a set of startling and fantastic moves. It’s easy to see that she loves to show off her attributes which include a long slender body, tan skin, and a smile as sensual as it is humorous. A true artist in the field of teasing and flirting, Hana is quick to tell you she has had enough of boyfriends.
After all, a girl like this was born to be free!
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