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我们自豪地介绍 22 岁的 LOLI K。甜美迷人,她是我们不断增加的模特名单上的第二个海地人。 近年来,海地遭受了一系列毁灭性的自然灾害,再加上经济不景气,导致大批难民涌入国外寻求更好的生活。萝莉是众多设法到达欧洲的人之一,凭借她娇小健美的身材,她很快看到了一个模特工作的机会。她可能不是典型的 Hegre 女孩,但她吸引人的热情让我们着迷不已! 所以她穿着她漂亮的生日套装,天作之合!
We proudly introduce 22 year-old LOLI K. Sweet and charming, she is our second Haitian on our ever growing list of models.
IN RECENT YEARS Haiti has been hit by a series of devastating natural disasters, and combined with a broken economy, it has lead to a stream of refugees seeking a better life abroad. Loli is one of the many that managed to get to Europe and with her petite and fit body she soon saw an opportunity to work as a model. She may not be your typical Hegre girl, but her catching enthusiasm charmed us no end!
So here she is in her wonderful birthday suit, tailor made in heaven!
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