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年仅 18 岁的莫娜似乎对如何勾引镜头了如指掌。 她的眼睛里有那种“神情”,如果你不明白我的意思,我想那是无法用语言表达的。她的黑发与她眼中的神秘气质完美匹配,她喜欢四处张望,就像一只四处觅食的猫。 佩特在布拉格追上了莫娜,并立即在镜头前欣赏了她的才华。就像和朋友在一起一样自在,莫娜给佩特留下了特别好的印象。用他自己的话说,她“自然、健康、美丽”。 我认为您不会发现我们对这份声明有任何抱怨。
At only 18 years old Mona seems to know everything there is to know about seducing the camera.
SHE HAS that “look” in her eyes and if you don’t know what I mean by that I think it would be impossible to put into words. Her dark hair is a perfect match for the mysterious quality in her eyes and she has the tendency of looking around the room like a cat on the prowl.
Petter caught up with Mona in Prague and instantly appreciated her talents in front of the camera. Just as at ease alone as she is with her friend, Mona made a particularly good impression on Petter. In his own words she is “natural, healthy, and beautiful.”
I don’t think you’ll find any complaints about that statement coming from us.
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