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Ryonen 有一些超凡脱俗的东西。和她那无暇的乳白肤色有很大的关系。 最吸引我们的是她的眼睛。它们就像暗示着神秘深处的水池。不过,我们不要忘记她的其余部分。这位身材娇小的21岁少女,有着丰富的肉感曲线,各方面都十分完美。游泳和瑜伽让她的美体保持在巅峰状态。 Ryonen 的才能有很多方面。她是家乡俄勒冈州波特兰市的一名大学学生。她致力于时尚和新艺术运动的各个方面,以及另类摄影。她的兴趣艺术广泛而独创。 “我喜欢奇怪而有趣的姿势,”她告诉我们,“我喜欢创造美丽与恐怖、欢乐与悲伤的形象。”对裸体形式的研究一直让她着迷。 现在是实践的时候了。
There is something other-worldly about Ryonen. It’s got a lot to do with her flawless milk-white complexion.
Mostly it is her eyes that captivate us. They are like pools hinting at mysterious depths. Let’s not forget the rest of her though. This petite 21 year old girl is rich in sensuous curves and perfectly formed in every way. Swimming and yoga keep her gorgeous body in peak condition.
Ryonen’s talents have many facets. She is a student at university in her home town of Portland, Oregon. She is devoted to fashion and all aspects of art nouveau, as well as off-beat photography. Her interest art is wide ranging and original. “I love strange and interesting poses” she tells us “and I love to create images of beauty and terror, joy and sadness.” Studies of the nude form have always fascinated her.
Now it’s time for the practical.
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