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瑟琳娜是精神灵魂。她对瑜伽的热爱激发了她将精神带入感官领域。 这位 23 岁的密宗瑜伽士和音乐家是墨西哥裔美国人,现居住在夏威夷。住在这个令人惊叹的地方帮助她与大自然和她自己的女性灵性联系起来。 通过生食饮食、在美丽的风景中锻炼和私人冥想,这是一个照顾自己的思想、身体和灵魂的女孩。她喜欢通过性治疗来赋予人们力量;使用油和触摸疗法唤醒感官。女神的光环与光彩,难得一见的女性力量,让她倾城倾城。 她聪明而体贴,喜欢扩展自己的思维,思考做人的意义。 Serena 相信迷幻药为我们提供了扩展意识、唤醒情感、精神和性方面的机会。 在你们第一次见面时,您会认为 Serena 是一个害羞的女孩,这是情有可原的。但她安静的个性和娇小的身材隐藏着一种令人屏息的性感能量。
Serena is spiritual soul. Her love of yoga inspired her to bring the spirit into the realm of the sensual.
The 23-year-old Tantric yogini and musician is a Mexican-American, now living in Hawaii. Living in this stunning location has helped her connect with Mother Nature and her own feminine spirituality.
With a raw food diet, exercise in beautiful landscapes and private meditation, this is a girl who looks after her mind, body and soul. She loves to empower people through sexual healing; using oils and touch therapy to awaken the senses. With the aura and radiance of a goddess, she has a rare feminine power that makes her totally captivating.
Intelligent and thoughtful, she likes to stretch her mind and to think about what it means to be human. Serena believes that psychedelics offer us the chance to expand our consciousness, awakening our emotional, spiritual and sexual sides.
On your first meeting, you’d be forgiven for thinking Serena is a shy girl. But her quiet personality and petite frame hide a sexual energy that will take your breath away.
您想发表评论吗?今天就加入我们,或签名在 如果您已经是会员。
虽然 Hegre Sex Ed 视频主要是为了视觉愉悦而设计的,但我们尽量减少长篇大论的穿衣女性长篇大论的镜头。因此,我将在这里详细说明。我想先说一句,我认为自己是一个综合多种艺术形式并以造福大众为目的的艺术实践者,而不认为自己是学者。考虑到这一点,我很乐意在这里详细说明实践的细节,并回应您的每一个问题。让我们深入了解:
很好的观察!我使用 Yoni 的原因是因为它是一个比阴道更有诗意的词!如果我说阴道,我知道每个人都会理解我,但我就是觉得它很粗鲁。如果我用普通话来形容阴道,阴刀,虽然很美,但我觉得会留下太多的质疑。我选择了 Yoni。 Yoni 这个词虽然是梵文,但正迅速成为阴道的现代同义词,这也是我使用它的原因。我还在我的书名中使用它,我的 Hegre Sex Ed 视频来自:
Yoni Care Handbook 一本 116 页的阴道护理手册,您可以在 www.empoweredlover.com 上购买。
J:“我拥有亚洲研究硕士学位……道教还不到 2000 年的历史。”
乙:是的!宗教 道教的历史可以追溯到 2,000 年前,但据说道家传统至少可以追溯到 5,000 年前 将“宗教”一词替换为“传统”或“实践”可以延长数千年。你可能说的是宗教道教,而我说的是道教传统。
道教历史学家林德克林有这样的话:“许多对道感兴趣的人仍然认为老子在大约 2500 年前创立了道教。这有一定道理,只要我们只谈论哲学道教(道甲)或宗教道教(道教)。然而,大多数人没有意识到的一件事是道教的两种变体都来自更古老的传统,中国人简称为道。老挝人不可能子成为这个古老传统的创始人,原因很简单,它至少比他的时代早了 2300 年。”据报道,中国古代鼻祖伏羲是5000年前道观的鼻祖。伏羲教导说,道是宇宙的基本模式,它探索了了解事物本来面目和让生活不受干扰地展开的智慧。 (1)
例如,一种处理内疚、恐惧、悲伤、愤怒等沉重或不稳定情绪的道家方法是通过定期禁食、远离食物、消极思想、环境和/或人来净化身体、思想和精神。而且,只要有可能,他们也会沉浸在更自然的环境和元素中,比如干净的流水、清新的空气、美丽的花草树木、阳光和月光,然后简单地开始练习深腹式呼吸。” (2)
B:我真的不知道女性用黄瓜清洁她们的阴部……或阴道有多久了。我所知道的是,我是从道家的白母老虎教义中学到这种做法的。 (3)
我们确实认为 Hegre Sex Ed 的观众是文盲,尽管他们假设大多数人是来看漂亮女人的。虽然我很想穿好衣服坐在那里谈论几个小时的历史,但 Pettre 坚持我有一个裸体模特!
我无法直接与这里的每个回复交谈,认为任何对进一步交流感兴趣的人都可以通过 empoweredlover.com 与我联系
感谢您的关注,希望您继续享受 Hegre Sex Ed。
1 Derek Lin 道的真正起源
2 http://www.zeigua.com/iching/iching_fuxi.html
3 西来的白母老虎性教
thank you for your interest in the scholarly details of the Taoist cucumber cleanse!
I appreciate your detailed viewing of the video and for allowing me the opportunity to elaborate on my favorite subject matters - martial arts, Taoist practices and myself.
While Hegre Sex Ed videos are designed mostly for visual pleasure, we keep the lengthy shots of clothed women giving long winded diatribes to a minimum. And so, I will elaborate here. I want to preface by saying that I consider myself a practitioner of many arts integrating modalities and offering them with the intention of benefitting all people and do not consider myself a scholar. With this in mind, I would love to elaborate on the details of the practices here and respond to each of your concerns. Let’s dig in:
J: "Yoni" is Sanskrit. Taoism is from Shandong Province, in the north east of China, nowhere near India, ( thousands of kms) and with zero Indian culture.
B: I find 'Yoni' more poetic than Vagina
Great observation! The reason I use the Yoni is because it is simply a more poetic word than vagina! If I say vagina, I know everyone will understand me, but I just feel that it is crass. If I use the Mandarin word for vagina, Yindao, although beautiful, I feel it would leave too many questioning. I settled on Yoni. The word Yoni, though Sanskrit, is fast becoming a modern synonym for vagina, hence the reason that I use it. I also use it in the title of my book that my Hegre Sex Ed videos are taken from:
The Yoni Care Handbook a 116 page manual on the care of vaginas and you can buy it on www.empoweredlover.com.
J: “I hold a Masters Degree in Asian Studies…Taoism is less than 2000 years old.”
B: Yes! Religions Taoism dates back 2,000 years, yet the Taoist tradition is said to date back at least 5,000 years Thousands of years can be gained by replacing the word 'religion' with 'tradition' or 'practice'. You may be speaking of religious Taoism and I am speaking of the Taoist tradition.
Derek Lin, Taoist historian has this to say: "Many people interested in the Tao are still under the impression that Lao Tzu founded Taoism about 2,500 years ago. There is some truth to this, as long as we are only talking about philosophical Taoism (Dao Jia) or religious Taoism (Dao Jiao). However, the one thing that most people do not realize is that both variants of Taoism came from a much older tradition, known to the Chinese simply as the Tao. It is not possible for Lao Tzu to be the founder of this ancient tradition for the simple reason that it began at least 2,300 years before his time." Fu Hsi, the originator of ancient China is reported to have been the originator of the Tao concept 5,000 years ago. Fu Hsi taught that the Tao was the underlying pattern of the cosmos and it explores the wisdom of understanding the way things are and letting life unfold without interference. (1)
The reason I say the Taoist lineage is 4,000 years old is because one of my Taoist Grandmasters is the lineage holder of a 4,000 year old Taoist Sect.
More interesting than the dates of the origin of the Taoism is the actual world view itself!
A Taoist
“TAOIST are self-motivated spiritual seekers who follow and respect the way of the TAO. They promote the concept of taking more personal responsibility for their actions and being more pro-active in their own healing, health maintenance and spiritual evolution, through their unique practices of QIGONG and MEDITATION. They tend to avoid extremes and don’t believe in relying on large groups of people for moral support nor would they strictly follow any one single person or figurehead for total spiritual understanding. Rather, they prefer to keep the company and advice of a few good friends, but mostly seek guidance and inspiration directly from Nature, by quietly observing her truth in action.
For example, one Taoist approach towards dealing with heavy or volatile emotions such as guilt, fear, sadness, anger, etc, would be to cleanse the body, mind and spirit with periodic fasting from foods, negative thoughts, environments and or people. And, wherever possible, they would also immerse themselves into more natural surroundings and elements such as clean flowing water, clean air, beautiful plants and trees, sunshine and moonlight, and then simply begin to practice deep abdominal breathing.” (2)
For more information on the Taoist practice of Qigong, see my online program:
J: “Shaolin Master? The Shaolin are not Taoists, they are Buddhists. Wrong religion.”
B: Who says a Shaolin Master cannot study Taoist wisdom?
Being a historian, I’m sure you can understand when I wanted to know about sex, I couldn’t find any Shaolin sexual tradition, as they were celibate, so I found a Taoist sect. The White Tigress Taoist Sect to be exact. My teacher, world renown Chinese historian, Hsi Lai, was the first to bring the teachings of the White Tigress sect to the West. He wrote "The Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress", an intriguing book I think you may enjoy. The cucumber cleanse comes from this White Tigress Taoist tradition.
J: “There is no way you have a 4000 year old "Taoist" technique.”
B: I don’t really know how long women have been using cucumbers to cleanse their yonis... or vaginas. All I know is that I was taught this practice from The White Tigress teachings which are Taoist. (3)
J: "Why are you totally bullshitting people? You assume that all of your subscribers are illiterate."
B: Better than assuming you are celibate and just showing me sitting there fully clothed talking about history!
We do feel that Hegre Sex Ed viewers are illiterate though assume that most are here to look at pretty women. While I would love to sit there fully clothed and talk about history for hours, Pettre insists I have a naked model!
I am not available to speak directly to each response here thought anyone that is interested in further communications can contact me on empoweredlover.com
Thank you for being interested and I hope you continue to enjoy Hegre Sex Ed.
1 The Real Origins of The Dao by Derek Lin
2 http://www.zeigua.com/iching/iching_fuxi.html
3 The Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress by Hsi Lai