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年仅 19 岁的 Veronika 对自己的未来寄予厚望。 她出生在捷克共和国的一个小村庄,搬到布拉格从事模特工作。当今的年轻人怀着名利双收的希望是很艰难的,但维罗妮卡决心让她的梦想成为现实。 除了模特,Veronika 还在当地一家剧院担任造型师。当她不在镜头前时,她喜欢将舞台表演者变成明星,将她自己的愿望反映在他们完美化妆的脸上。对 Veronika 来说,这都是演艺事业,如果她的模特生涯失败了,她会很乐意化妆。虽然有点害羞,但 Veronika 有足够的性感魅力。 镜头内外的完美美女,我们希望她的梦想能带她走得更远。
At only nineteen years of age Veronika has high hopes for her future.
BORN IN a small village in the Czech Republic she moved to Prague to work on her modeling carrier. It’s tough to be a young person today with hopes of fame and fortune but Veronika is determined to see her dreams become a reality.
Besides modeling, Veronika works as a stylist in a local theater. When not in front of the camera herself she loves to transform stage performers into stars, reflecting her own wishes onto their perfectly made up faces. For Veronika it’s all show business, and if she fails in her career as a model, she would be just as happy doing make up instead. Though a little shy, Veronika has plenty of sensual appeal to go around.
A perfect beauty both on and off camera we hope her dreams will take her far.
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