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当 Aliona 继续拍摄时,任何事情都可能发生。 我们在基辅的一个公园里找了一个安静的地方,架起了三脚架和摄影器材——在第一枪响起之前,Aliona 正在爬上一根巨大的金属桅杆,向全世界展示她轻盈的年轻身体和性感的哥特风貌.只有一件事:打开电影摄影机,用胶片捕捉这个女孩,完全自然,完全成功,是 Hegre 的经典之作。 一旦您看到 Aliona Climbing,您可能会成为哥特人!
When Aliona goes on a shoot anything might happen.
We find a quiet spot in one of the parks in Kyiv, set up the tripods and camera gear – and before the first shot is fired, Aliona is scaling a huge metal mast and revealing her lithe young body and sexy Goth looks to the entire world. Only one thing for it: break out the movie camera and capture this girl on film, totally natural, totally winning, a Hegre classic.
Once you see Aliona Climbing you may become a Goth!
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