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有些人有,有些人没有…… 你不能轻易定义性感。因为它不是来自一个地方。它不是特定的外观或体型,您不必拥有传统的美丽。它比单纯的表面看起来更深入。老实说,这有点神秘。但是当你看到它的时候你就知道了。 克拉丽丝明白了。她有那种“je ne sais quoi”,而且她非常引人注目。独自在家,她第一次发现了自己性感的魅力。她喜欢探索自己的身体。你也会的。 如果你想要性感的一个很好的定义,忘记字典,看看这个。
Some people have it, some people don’t…
You can’t easily define sex appeal. Because it doesn’t come from one place. It’s not a particular look or body type and you don’t have to be conventionally beautiful to have it. It goes deeper than mere surface looks. To be honest, it’s a bit of a mystery. But you know it when you see it.
Clarice has got it. She has that “je ne sais quoi” and she’s utterly compelling. Home alone, she’s discovering the magnetic power of her own sensuality for the first time. She loves exploring her body. And so will you, too.
If you want a good definition of sex appeal, forget the dictionary, just watch this.
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