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有些人不适合正常的世俗生活。有些灵魂要求自由。一些充满激情的精神只是比其他人飞得更高。 萝拉就是这样一个人。天生的冒险家,她总是在路上,并认为自己是一个真正的世界公民。 这位 22 岁的模特、造型师和化妆师来自法国南部的一个小村庄。但从很小的时候起,她就着眼于更大的抱负,并反抗小镇心态。巴黎的璀璨灯光很快就召唤了她,于是她开始寻找名利或财富,或两者兼而有之。 她不仅仅是一个地理探险家。萝拉在生活的方方面面都喜欢冒险,无论是运动(她是一名熟练的滑雪板手)还是艺术(她喜欢跳舞)或性(她是双性恋)。怀着对生活真正的热情,她总是在旅途中。 派对的生命和灵魂,萝拉是那种点亮房间的人。她是那种会抓住你的手,带你去冒险的女孩,你永远不会忘记。
Some people are not meant for a normal mundane life. Some souls demand to be free. And some passionate spirits simply soar higher than others.
Lola is one such person. A born adventurer, she’s always on the road and considers herself a true citizen of the world.
The 22 year-old model, stylist and make-up artist comes from a small village in the south of France. But from an early age she had her sights on bigger ambitions and rebelled against the small town mentality. The bright lights of Paris soon called her, so she set off to find fame or fortune or both.
And she’s not just a geographical explorer. Lola is adventurous in every aspect of her life, whether it’s sporting (she’s a skilled snowboarder) or artistically (she loves to dance) or sexually (she’s bisexual). With a real passion for life, she is always on the go.
The life and soul of the party, Lola is the sort of person who lights up a room. And she’s the kind of girl who’ll grab your hand and whisk you away on an adventure you’ll never forget.
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