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洛丽卡喜欢做女孩。 她喜欢裸体造型,因为她喜欢很多人关注,这让她觉得自己脱掉衣服,在镜头前变得火辣性感。 Lolika 来自乌克兰,是另一种特殊的新一代女孩,她们相信自由这个词的各个方面:自由投票,自由表达自己的想法,自由裸体,如果这让你兴奋的话。 尽管洛丽卡现在大部分时间都在基辅度过,但她骨子里是个乡下姑娘。她喜欢所有的动物,但她对马很着迷。 Lolika 尽可能多地去看望她的祖母,祖母在她的农场里有两匹马,Lolika 在夏季的几个月里会光着背骑马。 18 岁的洛丽卡 (Lolika) 刚刚完成高中学业,她的抱负,不用说,是在一家兽医诊所担任助理。
Lolika loves being a girl.
SHE ADORES nude modeling because she likes lots of attention and it makes her feel feminine slipping out of her clothes and getting all hot and sexy for the camera. Lolika is from the Ukraine, another in that special breed of new generation girls who believes in freedom in every sense of the word: free to vote, free to express your own ideas, free to be naked if that's what turns you on.
Though Lolika now spends a lot of time in Kyiv, she is a country girl at heart. She likes all animals but she is crazy about horses. Lolika goes as often as she can to visit her grandmother, who has two horses on her farm which Lolika rides bare back during the summer months.
At 18, Lolika is just finishing her high school studies and her ambition, needless to say, is to work as an assistant in a veterinarian clinic.
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