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巴西拥有世界上最好的海滩。它也有一些最好的海滩机构。这是其中之一! Mya 自认是海滩流浪汉,天生就是穿比基尼的。 肌肉发达、健美、运动,她是一个女孩的动力源泉。她的六块腹肌线条优美,让人只想伸手去摸。但这个健美的身材并非凭空而来。 Mya 致力于健康的生活方式,通过定期冥想和严格的训练来照顾她的身心。 但尽管她散发着力量,但她实际上是一个害羞而温和的 22 岁女孩,热爱大自然。她认为我们应该做更多的事情来保护我们美丽的星球,尤其是她家乡巴西令人难以置信的热带雨林。 这是她第一次在镜头前脱光衣服。因此,如果您喜欢在沙滩上放松一下,手捧新鲜椰子汁观赏大海,那么 Mya 就是您的最佳选择。
Brazil has some of the finest beaches in the world. And it also has some of the finest beach bodies. And here’s one of them! Self-confessed beach bum, Mya, was born to wear a bikini.
Muscular, toned and athletic, she’s a powerhouse of a girl. Her six-pack is so beautifully defined, you just want to reach out and touch it. But this toned body doesn’t come from nowhere. Mya is committed to a healthy lifestyle, looking after her mind and body with regular meditation and a tough training regime.
But despite the strength she exudes, she’s actually a shy and gently 22-year-old who loves nature. She believes we should be doing more to protect our beautiful planet, especially the incredible rainforests of her native Brazil.
This is the first time she’s ever stripped naked for the camera. So if you fancy kicking back on the beach, watching the ocean with a fresh coconut juice in your hand, Mya is your girl.
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