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凡事都有第一次…… 我们新车型的名字是 Taya,在俄语中意为“完美成型”。这就是您从 Taya 得到的。您将看到的最完美的身体之一。 Taya 基本上是一位从未拍过裸照的超模,但她决定向 Hegre 的相机投降。所以你在这里看到的是正在形成的历史。她的第一次,只为你的眼睛。 当您看着 Taya 时,您看到的是致力于健康和美丽的生活的果实。她从不抽烟或喝酒。她是一名素食主义者,喜欢做瑜伽、普拉提和健身房,她经常去亚洲度假胜地恢复活力。她避免所有压力,热爱自然和动物。简而言之,她证明了俄罗斯人和加利福尼亚人并没有什么不同。 欢迎,Taya,感谢你决定向世界展示你真正的美丽!
There’s a first time for everything…
Our new model’s name is Taya, which means “perfectly formed” in Russian. And that’s what you get with Taya. One of the most perfectly formed bodies you’ll ever see.
Taya is basically a supermodel who’s never posed naked before, but she’s decided to surrender to Hegre’s camera. So what you’re seeing here is history in the making. Her first time, for your eyes only.
When you look at Taya, you’re seeing the fruits of a life dedicated to healthy and beauty. She’s never smoked or drank alcohol. She’s a vegetarian who does yoga, pilates and gym, and she regularly goes to Asian retreats for rejuvenation. She avoids all stress and loves nature and animals. In short, she proves that Russians and Californians aren’t that different after all.
Welcome, Taya, and thanks for deciding to show the world your true beauty!
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