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わずか 19 歳のジョリーンは、オランダの小さな芸術的な町の出身です。そしてその創造性は、彼女が子供の頃から彼女の血の中にありました。アート、パフォーマンス、音楽のいずれであっても、彼女が愛しているものは何でもあります。
ゴージャスな若い体に古い魂を持つジョリーンは、アーユルヴェーダのライフスタイル (インドで 5000 年以上にわたって実践されてきた古代の医学体系) に従っています。彼女は、物事には理由があり、私たち全員が自分の幸せと内なる平和に責任があると信じています.
No one can call Jolene boring. She’s wild and wonderful and she’ll have you on your knees begging for more. A free spirit with a strong independent streak, Jolene wants to determine her own destiny in life.
Just 19 years old, Jolene comes from a small artistic town in the Netherlands. And that creativity has been in her blood since she was a child; whether it’s art, performance or music – you name it she loves it.
But it’s singing where her creative talents really shine. She writes her own music and performs with many famous Dutch artists. She believes music is incredibly powerful and writes songs to inspire and move people.
An old soul in a gorgeous young body, Jolene follows an Ayurveda lifestyle (an ancient system of medicine practiced in India for over 5000 years). She believes things happen for a reason and that we’re all responsible for our own happiness and inner peace.
With her whole body a blank canvass, Jolene just loves to get naked and express herself. So don’t miss the show!