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当 Dita 的曲线开始凸起时,她的时装模特工作开始枯竭。对骨瘦如柴的警察毫无用处,她决定从事裸体模特工作。结果证明它非常适合这位活泼的反叛艺术家。 她总是向前迈进,喜欢纹身、摇滚乐、旅行和绘画裸体自画像,作为女性赋权运动的一部分。她的目标是停止对女性及其身体的羞辱,并支持裸体、自然和美丽的生活方式。 她的人生哲学是“没有禁忌,各有各的”。谁能不同意呢?尤其是当 Dita 打破裸体禁忌,按照自己的方式行事时。我们所能做的就是坐在场边欣赏表演。有这样一个漂亮的年轻天才模特,有什么不可以享受的呢?
When Dita’s curves started popping, her fashion modelling gigs started drying up. Of no use to the skinny police, she decided to take up naked modelling. And it turned out to be the perfect fit for this vivacious rebel artist.
Always moving forward, she loves her tattoos, rock-n-roll, travel, and painting nude self-portraits as part of her female empowerment crusade. Her goal is to stop the shaming of women and their bodies, and to support the nude, natural, and beautiful lifestyle.
Her life philosophy is “no taboos and each to their own.” Who can disagree with that? Especially when it’s Dita breaking taboos against nakedness and doing things her own way. All we can do is sit on the sidelines and enjoy the show. And with a beautiful young talented model like this, what’s not to enjoy?
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